Well we all waited for the good news that Obamacare was going to be overturned and then like a crazy machete wielding liberal the Chief Justice John Roberts slashed and burned us. Once more we thought our last bastion would be a conservative court to help check the Socialist White House and a Congress mired in the mud of indecision. The entire health care decision was upheld except the court making it clear that the Commerce Clause in the Constitution had it's limits, but apparently not the taxing powers of Congress.
Can you imagine the tax rates that will now be required to fund 1/5 of the economy! Easy $3 trillion dollars in new taxes. Using past examples such as Medicare, it will never be enough.
We now pin our hopes on a GOP House of Represenatives (Article I of the Constitution) to not fund this assault on our wallets. No telling the havoc this will cause the economy as companies flush with cash for expansion now slide backwards and have to lay off people to pay taxes for others health. Thanks al lot to the people who's snout in the trough attitude once more sink us into the abyss of socialism.
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