Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Last week, Eric Holder the Attorney General of the United States was cited for Contempt of Congress for his refusal to hand over documents related to the Justice Departments failed “Fast and Furious” program. This program supposedly sold guns to the Mexican Cartel so the government could track them to the cartel or what ever specious reasoning Holder could create to justify the program.
            Don’t arrest, kill, or track the cartel just make up a dubious plan that had no past success. We are not just talking about one or two guns but at least 2,000 guns to cartel members by gun sellers lending a helping hand to the ATF. The result of all this is 200 Mexican civilians killed or wounded and 1 dead ATF agent by guns linked directly to “Fast and Furious”.
            All the time legal gun sellers were being blamed for selling guns at gun shows without checking the purchasers past criminal record. Individuals can sell their own weapons to anyone they want but dealers must check the buyer criminal records. Yes, there were incidences where this occurred but the press made it sound like every gun dealer was selling guns to the cartel, not so.
            The purpose of the “Fast and Furious” program was to find and indict big time cartel members who were buying the guns. The score so far 0, non, zero, nada, cartel members and 201 dead people to show for it. The war in Mexico with the cartel members in Mexico has claimed over 40,000 lives and will continue to wreck their economy as it continues to seep into the Baja tourist cities. The war spills into America and it is treated like a law enforcement problem. It’s not we should be at war with the cartel and anyone else who steps in our way.
            In 1916 General Pershing went into Mexico to find Poncho Villa after he killed several citizens in New Mexico. George Patton even killed three and put them on the hood of his car to show the like trophies.
Apparently we no longer have the will to protect our civilians from invaders as we should morally and legally should do. More and more we are told we can’t have guns to protect ourselves, tell that to every murder victim the cartel kills and tell it to Obama because he’s as indifferent as the cartel. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

Tough future for Conservatives

This weeks decision by the US Supreme Court on Obama care while disturbing has a much more troubling future. The decisions twofold problems will haunt conservatives far into the future. First and most obvious was the decision to redefine taxes as almost a duty of the government to do with our money what it wants. For decades Conservatives have made it an undeniable truth that taxes should be minimal and the Tax Code be changed to a flatter and fairer system. That has now been smashed on the rocks like a fine piece of art that has no more value because someone didn't like the way it looked. I have seen many columns saying this will be a good thing for the 2012 election. Do they really think this will only last until a Republican Congress nullifies BO's (Barack Obama+ Bad Odor) masterful scripting of a piece of legislation or Romney will with a stroke of his magical pen erase this stain? NO, it will endure because now it has been given holy status by the Supreme Court.
The second and equally troubling problem is John Robert's. My best friend and I were in Washington the day President Bush nominated him. Finally a credentialed Conservative with a pedigree from the Federalist Society, Oh joy, Oh rapture, Oh what happened? No more then a shame to hang our hopes on, no more real hope that a president can find a reliable conservative to uphold our values and the Constitution. The Democrats can just pick any old name out of the DC phonebook, like John Roberts, and have a loyal dog to come to the rescue. Sad days a comin'.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Bad Day at Black Rock

Well we all waited for the good news that Obamacare was going to be overturned and then like a crazy machete wielding liberal the Chief Justice John Roberts slashed and burned us. Once more we thought our last bastion would be a conservative court to help check the Socialist White House and a Congress mired in the mud of indecision. The entire health care decision was upheld except the court making it clear that the Commerce Clause in the Constitution had it's limits, but apparently not the taxing powers of Congress.
Can you imagine the tax rates that will now be required to fund 1/5 of the economy! Easy $3 trillion dollars in  new taxes. Using past examples such as Medicare, it will never be enough.
We now pin our hopes on a GOP House of Represenatives (Article I of the Constitution) to not fund this assault on our wallets.  No telling the havoc this will cause the economy as companies flush with cash for expansion now slide backwards and have to lay off people to pay taxes for others health. Thanks al lot to the people who's snout in the trough attitude once more sink us into the abyss of socialism.